
Archive for the ‘life list’ Category

What’s On Your List?


Has anyone seen that new show, No Opportunity Wasted or NOW?  Me neither but I’m going to check it out.  I absolutely love the premise and, historically, putting people in situations where they feel awkward makes for great television. 

The premise is that people take 72 hours to face a lifelong fear or to do something they have always wanted to do, throwing all excuses aside.  Previous shows include Fear of Heights, Fear of Sharks, Fear of Water, and Fear of Change, in which city slickers were put on a ranch. 

But it isn’t just about fear.  This week’s show follows two women to Kenya to build a well for a community and find inner peace.  One woman’s daughter died of cancer at 15 years old, after telling The Wish Foundation to use her wish money to build a school for an African community.  That’s pretty hardcore. 

The show makes me think about what I would do if I was given the opportunity.  There isn’t much that I am truly afraid of but I have thought for a while about what would be on my life list.  The life list isn’t just fears.  It is  more about what things I want to accomplish or overcome or become, big or small, in my lifetime. 

There are many things, but here are a few that have been in mind recently. 

  • Bungee jump from a bridge. 
  • Learn to play the violin. 
  • Travel across Canada by train or car. 
  • Practice for and complete a Royal Conservatory examination. 
  • Swing in the canopy of a jungle. 
  • Eat authentic Italian food.  In Italy. 
  • Visit an olive grove and eat olives right off the branch. 
  • White water rafting. 
  • Become perfectly comfortable with public speaking. 
  • Visit Greece. 
  • Go on an African Safari and photograph an elephant. 
  • Go to a Broadway show. 
  • Swim with dolphins. 
  • Visit Vienna. 
  • Hike Mount Katahdin. 
  • Learn Italian.  And Spanish.  Greek would be cool too. 
  • Kayak in B.C. 

There are so many things; the list is always evolving and that is one of the cool things about it.  I think listing them is such a great idea.  Somehow it solidifies it.  It isn’t rolling around in your head anymore with the rest of the nonsense; it is actually written down somewhere.  You have stated it.  Somehow, it is more real that way and more likely that it will get done.  Who doesn’t like checking things off of lists?! 

So, what is on yours? 


On a smoking note (or should I say non-smoking note?) …

Day #17 and I am hanging in there.  No slips. 

The last few days I have noticed that I am finally able to smell better.  I expected it to happen over a week ago but better late than never.  It isn’t just that things smell better, it’s that they smell more.  Sometimes a smell is so strong that it stops me up in the hall.  Sometimes I have to stop and think about what it is because the intensity of it even makes it smell different.  Sometimes I wonder how people stand it! 

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