
Archive for the ‘small town’ Category

My mother… God love ‘er. 

She does really well at keeping up with everything current, despite living in our little speck on the map all of her life.  I think having two grown daughters makes her a little more watchful of the trends and goings on. 

But this is rural New Brunswick:  the land of meat and potatoes; farmer’s country; where the dividing social line is whether or not your half-ton is a 4×4; where people hook up satellite tv not to broaden their viewing horizons but to have the option of watching the same CBS shows at 10 different time slots a day. 

Yes, this is still Carleton County and sometimes even my SuperWoman mom can’t hide her roots. 


After having lunch yesterday, we were driving through the town I work in, chatting about something.  Mom glanced over at me, looked past me, and interrupted herself mid-sentence to exclaim, “Well look!  There goes a midget!”. 

I was a bit taken aback by the statement but was also giggling at how “redneck” it is to be shocked at the sight.  

In a scolding tone, I said, “MOM!  They prefer to be called ‘little people’!”. 

And she replied, “Okay, well … there goes a little midget!”


I’m still not sure if she said it to be funny or if she really wasn’t getting my drift but, either way, it made me laugh. 

(Sorry if that offends… that wasn’t my intention)

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Laurie got me pondering my childhood which got me thinking about growing up in a small town which got me thinking about the simple life associated with growing up in the sticks.  I don’t mean Paris Hilton’s rendition of a simple life either… I’ve lived it instead of visiting it for half a second and pretending you know something about it.   

So I thought that I would compile a list of simple things that make me happy, some of which are also enjoyed by you city folk, I’m sure … 

The reds, yellows, and oranges of the leaves when they change. 

The goat that I drive by every day to and from work that is a companion to two horses (but really, any goat makes me happy 🙂 ). 

A bubble bath with a glass of wine.  Or beer. 

Laying on my deck in the sun and amidst the treetops.  And beer. 

Walking into the store and having the clerk pull my brand off the shelf without me even asking. 

Nailing a song on the piano.  Anytime. 

Walking through the woods, especially after a heavy snowfall. 

Being able to fast forward through commercials. 

Seeing the first sprouts after planting seeds in the garden. 

A back cracker. 

Sweating during a workout. 

Chips with my sandwich. 

A kayak trip.  Anywhere.  In any sort of weather. 

Early-morning fog lifting off of a cow pasture and being backlit by the sunrise. 

Seeing a smile on my dogs’ faces. 

The lightbulb in my piano students’ eyes when they grasp a concept I’m teaching. 

Getting a good support tech on the phone. 

An open stretch of road. 

Carrots from my garden. 

Muddin’ and doing donuts on Yammy. 

All of these happy thoughts have boosted my spirits enough for the rest of the day! 

What makes you happy? 

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